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Victory in Christ Ensemble [VICE] is an on line community or “ensemble” challenging both Christians and non-Christians to be Biblically correct rather than politically correct when discussing sexuality, marriage, pederasty, the Iraq War, torture, global hegemony, and other contemporary issues. VICE also challenges hedonism’s mantra, “If it feels good, then do it!” In a nation wherein “In God We Trust” has become a mere creed on the money upon which it is printed, perhaps, millions of teenagers yearn for more candid and morally sound information from their peers, parents, professors, and pastors, etc., regarding the Moral Menu of choices circumscribing sexuality. Herein, VICE hopes to fill that void for adolescents and adults of all ages! Please join VICE on our Membership page! Also, know that Jesus Christ does not condemn you as a bad PERSON, despite having made some bad DECISIONS. Instead, He wants to perform “Spiritual Surgery” so that you can take up your bed and walk into sexual healing. As the founder of VICE, I personally call new members, usually within 24 hours, so that GOD can connect us spiritually on your journey. Otherwise, sentinels and enemy agents will try to block you, tackle you, clip you, and run you out of bounds as you unplug from the Matrix in order to live a more virtuous life.
Collectively, VICE’s textbook, workshops, sexually explicit parables, Essay Questions, IQ Exams, Glossary, etc., are tantamount to a moral compass for cathartic sexual healing from the shame and guilt associated with “sexual mistakes.” Throughout our 90-day course in sex education from a Biblical perspective, gentlemen, VICE’s pedagogy explores how virtually everything we do has a spiritual motive or a sexual motive -- if not both. Of course, nobody’s perfect. Yet, despite a politically correct society of diminishing moral standards, WE can’t fix it IF we can’t face it, inconsequential to whatever “it" is. Ergo, VICE challenges its members to share these poignant and pragmatic lessons with parents, pastors, rabbis, imams, coaches, and other adults who must deal with these real issues. Rather than proffering any Sabbath or Sunday sermon, each member of our book club must decide the extent to which the Torah, Bible, Quran, or Tripitaka will or will not be your moral compass. Since human sexuality is both a private and a personal matter, VICE does not have the expectation of a monolithic interpretation of these sexual parables.
Replete with Scriptural citations, brothers, this textbook does not beat anyone up with a fifty-pound Bible. Instead, “Child Molestation, Incest, or Neither?” [ISBN 978-1-4675-5868-6] is an enlightening exposé of politics, religion, and sexuality. Rather than being prudish or puritanical, this textbook’s Christian author confesses many of his “sexual mistakes” with male and female partners after a childhood that included years of molestation and incest. Written for adults, members will witness a twelve-year-old protagonist named “Junior” proceeding through adolescence, i.e., summer camp, Catholic middle school, public high school, camping in Yosemite, a trip to the state basketball championship, etc. Many of the ethical decisions Junior makes in both middle school and high school are based upon the intimacy and candor within his father son dyad. Thus, readers can extrapolate from this relationship how to empower children and teenagers in reaching adulthood unscathed by sexual molestation or sexual mistakes. Workshops, limited to fifty participants, are available for those members of VICE who want to fully exploit all this unique book club and unorthodox course have to offer. WE can fix it IF we can face it!
A unique feature of VICE’s business model is its income opportunity for Independent Agents to earn $390.00 gross profit selling just ten copies of the textbook, which always includes the 90-day membership. In the US, there are more people in prison than anywhere else on Earth. After time served, it is extremely difficult for felons to secure employment. Ergo, via a $200.00 rebate, our ”Not Guilty Program” affords convicted felons and former foster kids the incentive to earn $590.00 gross profit for each order of ten textbooks sold to their customers. Beyond the financial rewards, VICE hopes that spiritually enlightened Independent Agents will gain confidence as public speakers, mentors, and quintessential role models who empower others to move onward and upward in life. Because all of us have A’s and F’s on our moral report card, in addition to inculcating a daily workout in “God’s Gym”, VICE’s workshops strive to ameliorate your intellectual and spiritual maturation. No pain, no gain…capish? May God richly bless each of you as you enjoy studying, analyzing, and discussing this profound exposé of virtues and vices impacting America’s Youths.
Victory In Christ Ensemble
P. O. Box 13064
Sacramento, CA 95813.
Our cruise down the Li River from Guilin ended in Yangshuo.