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By submitting the requested information, you affirm that you are at least 18 years of age, which is a requirement to join Victory In Christ Ensemble. Your 90-day membership in VICE includes the textbook, replete with IQ Tests, erotic vignettes, a sex survey, and related materials for your perusal, analysis, and ethical discussions. Because this textbook’s controversial exposé of politics, religion, and sexuality is quite sexually explicit, you declare and affirm that you are not offended by the inclusion of such graphic language and details of incest, sexual molestation, masturbation, and prison rape for purposes of enlightenment rather than entertainment. IF you may be triggered or otherwise offended by such candid and realistic fiction, then do not proceed to join this book club. God bless you!
Membership in VICE is defined by three classes:
Individuals – members who buy VICE’s textbook for personal study and participation in this unorthodox 90-day course in sex education.
Instructors – members who buy ten hard copies of VICE’s textbook at our discounted price for use in a classroom, juvenile facility, prison, church, or other educational institution. As such, instructors who provide an exempt EIN do not pay tax.
Independent Agents – members who order ten hard copies of VICE’s textbook at our discounted price with the intent to resell them for a profit. Rather than being employees of VICE, all independent agents are solely responsible for observing and obeying all local, state, and federal laws pursuant to being self-employed.
Victory in Christ Ensemble
P. O. Box 13064
Sacramento, CA 95813
($7.00 shipping)
Individual membership includes VICE's textbook and 90-day access to related materials.
($33.75 shipping)
Instructors receive ten copies of VICE's textbook for use in a church, classroom, juvenile facility, or a similar educational setting. In addition to the books, you will have 90-day access to VICE's related materials and the author. Please provide your EIN to avoid paying sales tax.
($33.75 shipping)
Independent Agents receive ten copies of VICE's textbook to sell to their customers for a profit. In addition to the books, you will have 90-day access to VICE's related materials and the author. Former foster kids and felons are eligible for a $200.00 rebate via our Not Guilty Program. Beyond the financial rewards, please consider attending our workshops and mentoring others regarding this ministry of sexual healing. God bless you!
In a nation wherein, "In God We Trust" has become a mere creed on the money upon which it is printed, VICE proffers another transparent discussion of politics, religion, and sexual morality. Whether we like it or not, public elementary schools now are teaching children that sodomy is not sinful, gay-marriage is innocuous, and Almighty God made a chromosomal mistake in the delivery room in the context of gender. To challenge this polemic without ever officially joining VICE, mature adults [18+ and older] now can peruse a reading sample from our original textbook in sex education. A free eBook, "That's BLACK MALE!", also is available to download on our About Us page. Diametrically opposed to being politically correct, VICE analyzes Scripture, Feminism, Fatherlessness, sexual mistakes, functional illiteracy, prison rape, forced fellatio, mental slavery, self-hatred, and other socially unacceptable behaviors inveterately associated with black males. Hopefully, well-educated black males, white males, and even males who are "the color of water" will proffer sagacious advice to help more brothers to face and fix the F's on our report cards. God bless all of you!